Emergencies are unpredictable. That’s why it’s crucial for your caregiver to be equipped with first aid skills. In the event that your parent or loved one is injured or falls ill, a swift and educated reaction is imperative in saving their health. There are several crucial first aid emergencies that a caregiver might face with an aging adult. Here are some issues to always keep in mind:
Falling. One in four adults experiences falls. Falls are not a normal part of the aging process, and they can be prevented with regular exercise and proper medication. However, if your loved one does fall, you should refrain from immediately helping them up to avoid additional injury. First, take time to assess the situation and determine what kind of injury might have occurred, and then call emergency services if it seems serious
Choking. It’s common for aging adults to struggle with chewing and swallowing. These issues can lead to a choking emergency. If a loved one is unable to speak, grabbing their throat, or turning blue, you should perform the Heimlich maneuver and call emergency services. It’s important that the caregiver is aptly trained on proper Heimlich procedure as to not cause further damage.
Cuts and Tears. As we age, the collagen in our skin diminishes and our skin becomes more delicate and prone to bruises and cuts. Proper first aid application can quickly heal a cut or scrape and prevent it from becoming infected. In more serious scenarios with excessive bleeding, you should call emergency services or see a doctor.
First aid classes and workshops are regularly taught at your local Red Cross and other public health organizations in your area.